Past Life Regression & Akashic Records

What to expect?

Past life regression and Akashic records reading offer a unique and intriguing journey into the depths of your subconscious mind, diving deeper into your previous lifetimes. Uncover past lives that still have an impact on what you can achieve in this life, understand the wider higher view of the meaning of life, and explore spirituality topics beyond the 3D, the matrix, and duality.

How can past life regression benefit you?

  • Self-Discovery: Akashic records contain information about your soul's journey across lifetimes. You can gain a profound understanding of your past experiences, patterns, and life purpose, leading to greater self-awareness and personal development.

  • Healing and Resolution: Exploring the Akashic records can help identify and heal unresolved emotional or karmic issues from past lives. By addressing these issues, you can release emotional blockages and achieve a sense of inner peace and healing.

  • Clarity and Guidance: Uncovering past lives can also provide clarity and guidance on current life challenges, decisions, and relationships. The insights gained from the records can offer practical solutions and a broader perspective on your life's direction.

  • Spiritual Connection: Connecting with the Akashic records can deepen your spiritual connection and understanding of the universe's interconnectedness. It can open doors to higher consciousness and facilitate a stronger bond with your spiritual essence.

  • Empowerment: It can empower you to take charge of your life, helping you tap into your soul’s purpose and align your actions with your higher self.

  • Release of Fears: Uncovering past life traumas and fears can lead to their release, enabling personal growth and freeing you from limiting beliefs and behaviors.

  • Confirmation and Validation: The reading can also validate your innate abilities, talents, and strengths, giving you the confidence to embrace and develop them further.

  • Transcending Limitations: By understanding your soul's evolution, you can recognise that you are not confined to your present circumstances or past experiences, empowering you to transcend limitations and create positive change in your life.

Remember that past life regression is a spiritual experience and should be approached with an open mind and heart; while it can be a beautifully healing process, it does not substitute therapy.

Sessions are 90 minutes costing £80 a session, available in person or remotely, worldwide.

Past life regression services Scotland

My Approach

My approach is founded on creating a safe and nurturing environment for you to embark on a transformative inner journey. With deep empathy and understanding, I guide you through relaxation techniques to access your subconscious memories of past lifetimes.