About me

Hi, I’m Georgina.

I’m a psychic empath, medium, and a fully qualified life coach, on a mission to coach and support the future world’s spiritual leaders and healers.

My role is to offer you a bridge between the energies of this polarity planet, helping you transition from the 3D realm governed by fear, compliance, and control, into the expansive and liberating realm of the 5D consciousness.

In this elevated state of consciousness, your subconscious mind starts to unveil, empowering you to flourish and thrive. The time has arrived for us to transcend lower vibrational energies and embrace higher, more expressive frequencies.

I would be honoured to be a part of your transformative journey toward self-empowerment and spiritual growth.

My Story:

High-stress, ego-focused corporate career, that’s where I spent most of my 20s and 30s. While I played and developed my empathetic spiritual gifts on the side, that’s all it was, thinking that the main focus needed to be a successful career of leadership and salary.

Then I realised how important it was to understand the bigger picture, here on our beautiful Earth, where rising above the duality of life gives us so much more of a fulfilling life, no matter the twists and turns that happen while we are here!

We are energetic bodies as much as we are physical and emotional, and yet we pay very little to no attention to this area. So much of today’s societal mindset is led by ego and the head, with no access to the heart, intuition, and soul journey.

I knew how much this needed to change, and I could be one of the souls that helped this change. I set out on a path of knowledge learning Native American practices, shamanism, reiki, energy healing, channeling, and past life regression, working in each area to better my understanding of each of these spiritual tools.

Today, I combine Life and Executive Coaching experience with deep spiritual tools to offer a truly holistic experience for my clients, by tailoring my tools to their needs whatever stage in their journey they are at.

Whether you want to paddle and experience the fun of spirituality for the first time, swim in the shallow end, or plunge deeper and deeper into the depths of an established career in spirituality, I would love to connect and chat more about how I can help.

Ben inspired the name Wolf Mediumship, a faithful, protective and loyal companion through the ages. I knew him when he was a wild wolf in two previous lifetimes. We faced death and betrayal together and I am ever grateful for his companionship yet again as we walk the earth plains.

Georgina and Ben