Transformational Coaching Services

What is Transformational Coaching?

Transformation Coaching is just that, it transforms your life. It’s a powerful and holistic approach to personal and spiritual development and growth.

Be ready to work in your shadow side, unearth old unhealed traumas, and transfer your vibration from low and stuck to a much higher, abundant frequency, allowing you to emerge like a butterfly to be the best version of yourself. 

My coaching offering is aimed at people who want to accelerate their growth and souls who work in the healing business and want to up-level their skills, receive new gifts, and remove blocks they are not able to see themselves.  

Sessions are 90 minutes costing £80 a session, available in person or remotely, worldwide.

Transformational coaching services UK

My Approach

Sometimes self-work feels a bit like walking through a labyrinth, getting lost and confused by different twists and turns. My role is to offer you gentle guidance to better navigate the path, unraveling the way to your true self. In my transformational coaching approach, I create a supportive, non-judgmental space to explore your innermost desires, challenges, and understand the limiting beliefs that stand in the way of your growth.

Reviews of Wold Mediumship Coaching

“I honestly don’t know where I would be without the love, support, and guidance from Georgina over the last couple of years.

If you are looking for a Coach or Healer who can create a safe space for you to feel completely seen and heard whilst knowing what is keeping you stuck and what you need to do to get unstuck…who genuinely cares about helping you…will challenge you and support you as you work through your shadows…and if you want to feel loved and cared for as you heal then Georgina is the Spiritual Coach and Healer for you.”

Gemma Moody, Owner of Wild Heart Healing